Our approach to augmented and systematic information and dilemma resolution.


SIGMA is an acronym that stands for Strategic Information Gathering and Management Augmentation. SIGMA represents this activity of collection and management of strategic information augmented in the sense that it covers all the internal and external strategic information from all the horizons of an organization.


SPECTRUM is our approach to working with dilemmas. Dilemma thinking was pioneered by management theorist Charles Hampden-Turner. Thinking in terms of dilemmas where we must think inclusively (both) rather than thinking alternatively by making a simple choice (either/or) is useful for designing a transformative innovation initiative and to navigate it through a turbulent systemic transition into the future.

SPECTRUM is the term used to remind us that the information sought must take into account all spectrums of information including the play of opposites; for example, the spectrum from known to unknown, from certain to uncertain, from linear to non-linear, from causal to non-causal from internality to externality and finally from fragile to antifragile, reasonable or daring, disciplined or undisciplined, who is there, who is not there, logical or absurd, seen or not seen, expected or unexpected, coherent or not, probable or not.


If you have questions or would like to initiate one of our solutions, do not hesitate de contact us so we can have a guiding conversation. We are here to help you.


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