You can delay, but your future won’t.

Prospective or foresight is first and foremost our natural ability to imagine the future. As a discipline it allows us to see the future as it is, a multiplicity of futures we can choose from.

AUGMNT helps organizations build Future-based Strategies and a Foresight/Prospective practice integrated and aligned with their Risk Management, Continuity, Future-Ready and Vigilance (monitoring and intelligence) programs.



Foresight is this ongoing activity that allows organizations to explore possibilities, options or alternative futures, articulate scenarios, study their impacts and select the best or preferred future.


The practice of foresight has two broad, specific objectives: (1) the anticipation of alternative futures and scenarios (2) the creation of a preferred future.

Foresight or prospective practice allows to: 

  • Develop futures literacy in your organization
  • Detect trends and weak signals
  • Anticipate future risks and opportunities
  • Make scenarios, Analyze impacts
  • Widen the organization’s horizons

For who?

Foresight can and should be practiced by all organizations small or large, private or public.

  • Senior management and directors
  • Middle managers and those responsible for innovation, strategy and risk management.
  • Teams and people needed for a participatory prospective project.

How we deliver

The foresight seminar is typically delivered in 2-day private or public workshops.

The workshops like signal detection & scenario articulation and analysis workshops can involve various participations over one or half-day meetings.


The foresight book

Our unique approach allows participants to build their prospective book as the theory and other information is delivered by simply going through and inputting their information and discovery at each step of the proposed foresight process.


The practice of foresight allows an organization to develop proactivity and agility and the vision necessary to emerge from uncertainty through anticipation and the clarity of a preferred future. Foresight also allows:

  • A timely and ongoing program to monitor changes and adapt in a timely manner
  • An early detection system
  • A vision of change beyond uncertainty and disruption
  • Innovations and new business opportunities
  • A competitive lead, a competitive advantage
  • An idea of ​​the new customer, the new competition
  • New capabilities

An improved performance

A vigilant organization, defined as having a foresight practice, enjoys 33% higher profitability and 200% higher growth than the average company.

Related activities

Strategic foresight generally refers to the activity of foresight. However, foresight and strategy are two distinct activities, which is why we call them related activity.

Risks and continuity
By integrating and aligning foresight with its risk management, continuity and future readiness programs, an organization covers short, medium and long term risks and opportunities.

Foresight watch/vigil
Foresight watch, vigil or monitoring is this continuous activity which allows an organization to scan its environment in order to remain on the lookout for risks and opportunities, trends and signals. It is carried out internally by the organization or externally*

* Vigilance is a support service for the development of a monitoring program (internal or external) restricted to foresight or more extended to include broader risk monitoring. The external program is built taking into account the specific needs of the organization.


If you have questions or would like to initiate one of our solutions, do not hesitate de contact us so we can have a guiding conversation. We are here to help you.


Space intentionally left for the future

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